From: "Natalie Behm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: Removing and Replacing FreeBSD

> Having gone over and over and over and over the
> handbook and installation guides, I have determined
> that the installation of FreeBSD just does NOT work
> for me.  Perhaps it is because I'm not a programmer,
> perhaps it's because I'm a complete moron (as I'm sure
> anyone reading this will make a comment on), but it
> simply does not work for me, does not match my needs,
> etc.
> What I'm needing to know, though, is whether I can
> simply stick my Windows 98 disk in and it will
> complete remove and replace FreeBSD, or is there
> something else needed to complete the task of removing
> this completely user-UNfriendly operating system and
> replacing it with something that we commonplace morons
> can use?

Well, you could always get an ax and a blowtorch :-)

Ms. Behm, I'm very sorry that you've had difficulty
with FBSD.  I will not call you a moron, but you do
not have to be a "programmer" to operate FreeBSD.
It is however pretty clear, when one reads the
documentation, that FreeBSD works best for people
who understand what a computer is and does, and 
a bit about how it does it.  I believe that the choice of an 
operating system, for most people, should be an
issue on which knowledgeable individuals should be

You might wish to consider doing everyone a 
favor and hiring a consultant.  Most professionals
would be glad to use your "Windoze 98 disk" 
(whatever that may be) to make you happier 
than you are now.


Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

P.S.  If that's a "Windows 98 CD" from
Micro$oft, you'll need it, a working system
(hardware) and about a 25-digit "registration"
key in order to get Windoze on your computer
again, assuming that your BIOS will support
booting from the CDROM drive. You might
also need a "Windows 98 boot disk," in
order to repartition and format the hard drive,
because, although FreeBSD read DOS easily
enough, Micro$oft did not use enough foresight
to allow Windows to read UFS.

P.P.S.  You might hire a consultant....

P.P.P.S.  Or even go to a reputable
    computer tech center......

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