On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 11:09:23AM -0600, Michael Owens wrote:
> I have a 4.4 STABLE machine with a Sangoma WANPipe, configured as a router, 
> using IPNAT/IPF. Up until last week, it had a 370+ day uptime, no problems 
> whatsoever. Since last week, I have had problems with our upstream provider 
> -- the link has gone down several times.
> The problem is that when the link goes down, within five or ten minutes the 
> router's network services become unreponsive. I can't SSH in, can't ping, the 
> DHCP and interal DNS services are non-repsonsive - nothing. Not only does is 
> not route, it does not communicate with any hosts on the LAN. Is it trying to 
> reverse DNS via the default route and freezing there?

Possibly. Have you set up an internal DNS for your LAN? As a general
rule, every LAN should have internal DNS instead of resolving off the
'Net directly.

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                        "Irrationality is the square root of all evil"
                                                  - Douglas Hofstadter

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