     I've installed apsfilter-7.2.3, and despite successfully printing
the test page, I am unable to get anything to print either from an
application (opera / AbiWord), nor command line. 

Checking printer status: 
# lpc status all 
queuing is enabled 
printing is enabled 
no entries in spool area 
printer idle 

# uname -a 
FreeBSD <snipped> 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Sat Oct 12 10:04:03
BST 2002     root@<snipped>:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/<snipped>  i386 

Printer entry created by apsfilter setup in /etc/printcap: 
# APS1_BEGIN:printer1 
# - don't delete start label for apsfilter printer1 
# - no other printer defines between BEGIN and END LABEL 
# APS1_END - don't delete this 

I try printing webpage from opera, I get: 
# lpc status all 
queuing is enabled 
printing is enabled 
no entries in spool area 
printer idle 
You have new mail. 

Checking mail: 
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Nov 10 15:10:14 2002 
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:10:14 GMT 
From: Owner of many system processes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: apsfilter: can't find configuration 

apsfilter fatal error: can't find configuration 

The configuration file /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/hp845c/apsfilterrc 
is missing. Please run SETUP. 

-- apsfilter, your lpd input filter 


Checking spool logs: 
# tail /var/spool/lpd/hp845c/log 
apsfilter: The configuration file
apsfilter: is missing. Please run SETUP. 
cat: /rc: No such file or directory 
rm: No such file or directory 
/usr/local/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter: line 116: /rc:
Permission denied 
apsfilter: can't find configuration 
apsfilter: The configuration file
apsfilter: is missing. Please run SETUP. 
cat: /rc: No such file or directory 
rm: No such file or directory 

But this file DOES exist: 

# more /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/hp845c/apsfilterrc 
# don't delete these settings 

# additional configuration follows 
# insert settings as seen in /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/apsfilterrc 

That's failed big time. I'll try printing with lpr: 

# pwd 
# date 
Sun Nov 10 15:15:23 GMT 2002 
# file test 
test: ASCII English text 
# lpr -Php845c test 
# lpc status all 
queuing is enabled 
printing is enabled 
no entries in spool area 
hp845c is ready and printing 


Checking logs again:- 
Nov 10 15:15:42 Demon lpd[91979]: Demon.vickiandstacey.com requests
printjob hp845c 
Nov 10 15:15:43 Demon lpd[91979]: restarting hp845c 
Nov 10 15:15:45 Demon last message repeated 3 times 
Nov 10 15:15:46 Demon lpd[91979]: hp845c: job could not be printed
Nov 10 15:15:47 Demon lpd[91979]: mail sent to user root about job
<unknown> on printer hp845c (FATALERR) 

Checking root's mail: 
Message 21: 
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Nov 10 15:15:47 2002 
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:15:46 GMT 
From: Owner of many system processes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: hp845c printer job "<unknown>" 

Your printer job 
could not be printed 


Checking spool again: 
# date 
Sun Nov 10 15:18:07 GMT 2002 

# tail /var/spool/lpd/hp845c/log 
apsfilter: The configuration file
apsfilter: is missing. Please run SETUP. 
cat: /rc: No such file or directory 
rm: No such file or directory 
/usr/local/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter: line 116: /rc:
Permission denied 
apsfilter: can't find configuration 
apsfilter: The configuration file
apsfilter: is missing. Please run SETUP. 
cat: /rc: No such file or directory 
rm: No such file or directory 

There's a "permission denied" error being thrown. Checking permissions
on the offending file: 
# ls -al /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter 
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  56940 Nov  8 22:24

Is this not what it should be? I didn't see instructions to change
permissions on any of apsfilter config file, scripts, nor any files
concerning printing anywhere. 

Again complaints about a missing file.., this file DOES EXIST: 

# more /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/hp845c/apsfilterrc 
# don't delete these settings 

# additional configuration follows 
# insert settings as seen in /usr/local/etc/apsfilter/apsfilterrc 

I've searched the apsfilter mailing list archives.., googled.., and read
the faq and what online docs there are available for installation and
usage, but haven't found anything that addresses what I'm seeing here. 

Is there some step I've missed? 
I have not touched /etc/printcap, as apsfilter is supposed to set this
up for me. Or, am I wrong in this presumption? 

This is the second time I'm posting about this problem. I've received
kind replies FreeBSD list members (for which I am overly grateful), and
would look forward to hearing from apsfilter folks as well.

The apsfilter "online feeeback" facility fails, that's why I'm having to
post this via e-mail.

Thanks for the patience.


Stacey Roberts
B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science

Web: www.vickiandstacey.com

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