On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 09:11:35PM +1100, Iain wrote:
> On startup I see the following messages:
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: command channel listening on
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: command channel listening on ::1#953
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: dns_master_load: named.syd.va.com.au:14: 
>syd.va.com.au: CNAME and othe
> r data
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: zone syd.va.com.au/IN: loading master file 
>named.syd.va.com.au: CNAME
> and other data
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: slave/named.culture2.org:6: no TTL specified; 
>using SOA MINTTL instead
> Nov 11 20:33:41 shiraz named[71623]: slave/named.dessertstorm.org:6: no TTL 
>specified; using SOA MINTTL ins
> tead

Ok.  The named.conf looks fine, if fairly minimal.  I think that the
problem is the errors in your zone files that named is complaining
about.  Bind 9 is rather stricter about several questionable
constructs.  The "CNAME and other data" thing is a case in point ---
you can't mix CNAME's and other RR types for the same RRset:

    ; Illegal...
    foo  IN CNAME bar
         IN MX    blurfl

You shouldn't even have multiple CNAME's in the same RRset:

    ; Illegal...
    foo  IN CNAME foo1
         IN CNAME foo2

although you used to be able to persuade Bind 8 to accept that given
the correct options {}; statement.

The "no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead" thing you're seeing
on those slave zones is just a warning and shouldn't prevent your
server working.  If the master for those zones is running Bind 8.2 or
higher, you might prevail on the admin to add a reasonable default TTL
at the top of the file:

    $TTL 7200 ; Default 3h TTL on RRs



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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