On Monday, Nov 11, 2002, at 07:32 US/Pacific, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:

Quite possible that 'removing myself from root nameserver'
is an issue.

Your registrar (in this case godaddy.com) must have a
record of *some* two nameservers to place in the global
system.  From your FreeBSD box, do 'whois yourname.com'
....note carefully which nameservers are listed for your domain.
If there are none.....well.....

If they exist, make sure that THEY are resolvable by DNS.
With my registrar, I had to go in and "register" my two nameservers
(which I run) because the root servers didn't know where to look
for them, even though they were broadcasting DNS info to
whomever should desire it.  This consisted of adding their names
and IP addresses to a database via a web form.
Not necessarily a problem.  It is, however, a good idea to have two.
There are some sites, I understand, which will give you a free
I recommend Secondary.com; free for a small number of domains, very reliable. Pick another free server if you are concerned about better redundancy. Then list THOSE nameservers as your authoratitive nameservers in the zone file, so everybody and their brother hits THOSE servers for resolution, not yours. Permit zone transfers only for Secondary.coms's servers, tell BIND to send them notifies, and bob's your uncle. You have a secure system that doesn't have to be up 24/7, AND you have control of your domain space. You can run a split DNS (using views works well in 9.x) if you want to run a different or more extensive namespace inside your own network.


Note that none of this has anything to do with FreeBSD and it should probably go off to the bind list or somewhere...

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