On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Pierrick Brossin wrote:

> > Then don't enable one.  A badly configured firewall is arguably worse
> > than no firewall at all.
> wow no firewall is such a nice idea.
> just kidding.. your server is then open to anyone.

The only real benefits you get from a firewall are:
1) controlling which IP addresses can access a service
2) *maybe* bandwidth shaping. *maybe*.
3) packet re-writing.

3) is one of the least used in my experience (having worked as a security
officer for several years).
2) arguable whether this is part of your filtering firewall or the routing
mechanism within the firewall.
1) Unless you're running a service that you want to restrict the service
to specific IP's, and that applications doesn't understand TCP wrappers,
this doesn't help.

'man blackhole' too

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