On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, Pierrick Brossin wrote:

> > I would advice doing a test installation of FreeBSD (see
> > www.freebsd.org/handbook) and having a go at installing the packages you
> > need.
> > What do you think?
> I already tried to make my own server but there were to many problem
> for not so much time!
> Thanks for your answer
> I have to think about making my own server myself but last time I ended
> with the PC under my desk with no cable plugged.. and I couldn't
> remember what was the last thing I did two months ago :P

It sounds like what you want to do is get a basic install of a machine as
fast as possible, and have it secure.
The advantage of FreeBSD is that this is possible, but it's highly
flexible - hwich means you need to know more about what you want. You
can't just have a "server install". What is a server? What is a
workstation? What is life?

The terms means different things to everyone. To me, it means to do a
minimal install, and then only installing the packages I want. If I know
exactly what I want, I can normally do a custom isntall of a small mail
server (including tuning) in about 4 hours.
I'd say that if it takes you less than 3 hours to do an install:
a) You don't know what you're getting
b) You're very likely missing some custom optimizations
c) You haven't checked your install after it completed

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