On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 02:36:30PM +0100, Peter Jamrisko wrote:

> Does anybody know the good documentation for installing Apache-SSL.
> Now, i have a server running with apache 1.3.26.  I wish to make it
> SSL enable server with using SSLeay. Can anyone give me an advice on
> how to install Apache-SSL in my current server.

Uh --- nowadays you'ld want to use OpenSSL which is based in part on
the SSLeay stuff.

Anyhow, I'm afraid that to make an SSL enabled apache, you've got to
delete your original apache and re-install.  There's two choices:


This builds an apache httpd with the SSL stuff linked directly
into the main application.  See http://www.apache-ssl.org/.

Somewhat more popular and what I personally prefer to use, (and
incidentally the basis for the bundled HTTPS support in apache2) is:


whilst this looks like (indeed, *is*) a DSO type loadable apache
module (like mod_php4 etc.), it isn't the same as other loadable
modules It builds against a specially patched apache source tree.  The
patches provide the 'EAPI' extended application programming interface
business that mod_ssl requires.  It also has a dependency on a
portable memory management library 'libmm'.  http://www.modssl.org/

Make sure you use a version of OpenSSL later than 0.9.6d --- either
install the OpenSSL port or run a recent version of -STABLE so you
don't get bitten by FreeBSD-SA-02:33.openssl



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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