On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 04:25:49AM +0100, Mark wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James Earl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Basic mail and Sendmail problem
> > > > When I know try to send a mail to 'userone' with 'mail -v
> > > > userone' I get the following error (same error in
> > > > /var/spool/clientmqueue): userone... Connecting to
> > > > localhost.mydomain. via relay... userone... Deferred:
> > > > Connection refused by localhost.mydomain.
> > >
> > > One more thing to add: This works fine, when I am connected
> > > to my ISP. So this might be a problem with DNS configuration?
> >
> > I just had a similar problem with a couple of my machines.
> >
> > Try changing the 'search' line in resolv.conf to a "local domain name."
> >
> > For instance, my /etc/resolv.conf file is like this:
> >
> > search localdomain.net
> > nameserver ?.?.?.? (real dns servers)
> > nameserver ?.?.?.?
> >
> > And my /etc/hosts file:
> >
> > localhost localhost.localdomain.net
> > gateway gateway.localdomain.net
> > ...
> >
> > sendmail_enable="NO" in /etc/rc.conf
> Why disable sendmail?

That's a good question!  I just needed local mail delivery.

> > My big problem was my isp's DHCP server was assigning me a
> > domain-name which would change my resolv.conf file. To solve that
> > I had to add a supersede line in dhclient.conf.
> Yeah. Had a similar problem on a local box. I also added a "prepend
> domain-name" and "prepend domain-name-servers" line to dhclient.conf; like
> so:
> prepend domain-name "ns-cache-0.ns.nl.demon.net ";
> prepend domain-name-servers;
> supersede domain-name "ns-cache-0.ns.nl.demon.net "
> The trailing spaces ARE intentional. That worked like a charm. Substitute
> your own ISP, of course.
> - Mark

Thanks, I think I may try that too.

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