Hi all,

I had a weird problem a while ago that after installing
FreeBSD 4.6 RELEASE sendmail was not accepting local mail
for delivery.

After looking at "mail -v <user>" I saw that sendmail was
not accepting relaying for the localhost.  Now I could 
telnet to localhost on port 25 and that worked so SMTP
itself was running.

The problem turned out to be that in /etc/hosts the following
was missing:

        ::1     localhost

Now I thought that maybe that was an isolated problem with
FBSD4.6 but I install 4.7 last night (Mini ISO) and had the
exact same problem.  The /etc/hosts file did not have ::1

I have been told that the ::1 is a IPV6 loopback?  Is that
correct?  Why would it seem to be missing from the install?


Alistair Phillips
POS Development 
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