That is the thread about my question with Kent.

TooManySecrets wrote:
> Hi!!
> My name is Manuel Trujillo, from Spain. First, I will apologize about my
> english... sorry :(
> Well, I use freebsd since february-2002, and I'm very happy with it. But my
> problem is now, when I change my pc hardware.
> I've a SIS 648 MAX motherboard, whit the SIS648 driver, a Seagate 80Gb 7200
> rpm hard drive, Creative nvidia Ti4400 and a Pentium 4 2'4Mhz with 533 fsb.
> Well, when I try to install freebsd in it, I obtain this message:
> ad0: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
> ata0: resetting devices...

Hola Manuel,

Are you using ATA-100 or ATA-133 cables to hook your Maxtor to the SIS
motherboard. Don't connect your CDROM on the same controller as your HD.

What do you have in your /boot/loader.conf. The following are possible.

ruby# m loader.conf
# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- #
ruby# sysctl -a | grep hw.ata
hw.ata.ata_dma: 1
hw.ata.wc: 1
hw.ata.tags: 0
hw.ata.atapi_dma: 1

BTW, I have one of those motherboards but haven't tried to replace my
gateway with it. I have 4 machines with SIS-645.


> I cleared any conflict into kernel installation with the "configure kernel
> in visual mode", but is the same :(
> I try something like the "disable pciide" into the openbsd, but don't work
> correctly. I was read the documentation (handbook), and I looked any cloud
> via Google, but my quest was unfruitful.
> I'm desesperate, because I don't want to install any other OS (maybe
> openbsd) and I don't want to install linux. I want FreeBSD.
> Please, help me please...

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA


(Acentos y enyes han sido omitidos intencionadamente por el uso de un teclado 
Have a nice day :-)

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