On 31 Mar 2005 12:08:04 +0400
Boris Samorodov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:51:26 +0200 Dick Hoogendijk wrote:
> > I have a very nasty error lately. I have asked for help on the
> > freebsd questions list. But that list is too general ;-)
> > I'm running a fbsd-4.11R system with up2date ports.
> > I want to portupgrade (or just a 'make install clean' kde3 to the
> > latest 3.4version but something goes wrong with kdelibs3.
> [skip]
> > Any advice on how to investigate this any further?
> Have you read /usr/ports/UPDATING?

Sure I did. I always do that. You never know, can you? ;-) I followed
procedures! Yes sir, I did, so that is not the point. On a second
(almost identical) machine I even removed every trace of kde ever
installed. Still, the same error. On that machine I can only get older
kde packages back, because the most recent one will not compile.

As you can see in the error file lots of dependencies get compiled
before the error takes place. It seems kde related. Someone suggested to
contact the kde.freebsd team, but I don't know how that one goes.

dick -- http://nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.11 ++ FreeBSD 5.3
+ Nai tiruvantel ar vayuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilja
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