Sorry, I grabbed pf.conf from the wrong machine.  I basically just
copied the previous one, made the couple changes I needed.  The real
difference is that there's no UDP in, and not as many TCP ins are

# ------- pf.conf skeleton for server
# --------------- MACRO Section  -----------------


PING = "echoreq"

# --- allowed incoming services initiated by clients

TCP_IN = "{ ssh }"
#UDP_IN = "{  }"

# --- allowed services initiated by server

TCP_OUT = "{ ssh, ftp, http, ntp, 5999 }"
UDP_OUT = "{ domain, ntp }"

# ------------------ TABLE Section --------------

# ------------------ OPTIONS Section
set loginterface $EXT_IF

# --------- TRAFFIC NORMALIZATION ----------------
scrub in all
# ---------- TRANSLATION Section (NAT/RDR)

# ---------- FILTER section

block log all

pass quick on lo0 all

# ======================= INCOMING ================

# --- TCP
pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any to $EXT_IF port
$TCP_IN flags S/SA keep state

# --- UDP
#pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto udp from any to $EXT_IF port
$UDP_IN keep state

# --- ICMP
pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto icmp from any to $EXT_IF icmp-type
$PING keep state

# ======================= OUTGOING ================

# --- TCP
pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from $EXT_IF to any port
$TCP_OUT flags S/SA  keep state

# --- UDP
pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto udp from $EXT_IF to any port
$UDP_OUT keep state

# --- ICMP
pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto icmp from $EXT_IF to any
icmp-type $PING keep state

# ----------------- end of pf.conf

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:30:53 -0700, Pat Maddox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5.  I'm not sure how to check the pf version.
> I just started getting this error a couple days ago, and I've got
> absolutely no clue why.  I don't recall making any significant changes
> to the box.  Anyway, here's pf.conf:
> # ------- pf.conf skeleton for server
> #
> # --------------- MACRO Section  -----------------
> EXT_IF="fxp0"
> PING = "echoreq"
> # --- allowed incoming services initiated by clients
> TCP_IN = "{ ssh, smtp, ftp, imap, http, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005 }"
> UDP_IN = "{ domain }"
> # --- allowed services initiated by server
> TCP_OUT = "{ ssh, smtp, ftp, http, ntp, 5999 }"
> UDP_OUT = "{ domain, ntp }"
> # ------------------ TABLE Section --------------
> # ------------------ OPTIONS Section
> set loginterface $EXT_IF
> # --------- TRAFFIC NORMALIZATION ----------------
> scrub in all
> # ---------- TRANSLATION Section (NAT/RDR)
> # ---------- FILTER section
> block log all
> # --- LOOPBACK
> pass quick on lo0 all
> # ======================= INCOMING ================
> # ----------- EXTERNAL INTERFACE
> # --- TCP
> pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any to $EXT_IF port
> $TCP_IN flags S/SA keep state
> # --- UDP
> pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto udp from any to $EXT_IF port
> $UDP_IN keep state
> # --- ICMP
> pass in quick on $EXT_IF inet proto icmp from any to $EXT_IF icmp-type
> $PING keep state
> # ======================= OUTGOING ================
> # ----------- EXTERNAL INTERFACE
> # --- TCP
> pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from $EXT_IF to any port
> $TCP_OUT flags S/SA  keep state
> # --- UDP
> pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto udp from $EXT_IF to any port
> $UDP_OUT keep state
> # --- ICMP
> pass out quick on $EXT_IF inet proto icmp from $EXT_IF to any
> icmp-type $PING keep state
> # ----------------- end of pf.conf
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:31:13 +0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Pat Maddox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > I'm trying to set up PF on a server, and when I run pfctl -nf
> > > /etc/pf.conf, I get the following error:
> > > pfctl: ifa_load: pfi_get_ifaces: Bad file descriptor
> >
> > More info is required.
> >
> > Which FreeBSD and PF versions (not all permutations of pf and FreeBSD
> > will work, see the handbook), pf relevant rc.conf lines, your pf.conf,
> > ifconfig output
> >
> > > Google doesn't come up with anything, I've got no clue what that is.  Any 
> > > help?
> >
> > Check your ruleset for obvious errors, such as trying to address a
> > non-existent interface. Then again, this is guesswork based on very
> > little information.
> >
> > --
> > Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> >
> > "First, we kill all the spammers" The Usenet Bard, "Twice-forwarded tales"
> >
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