On Apr 2, 2005 12:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running 5.3 stable.
> I've recently switched from ipfilter to pf to take advantage of the
> traffic shaping, and I've run into something I don't understand.
> I read the documentation on the synproxy option and it sounded good to me,
> so I replaced my "keep state" rules with "synproxy state".
> After doing this, I noticed that my filesharing programs stopped
> downloading.  I switched back to "keep state" for the rules that handled
> my filesharing traffic and the problem went away.
> Today my brother called and told me that he couldn't get to my website
> anymore because his firewall said that my http service was sending a
> "fragment attack".  I replaced "synproxy state" with "keep state" for the
> rules pertaining to httpd and the problem went away.
> Specifically, the http traffic rule was (formatted):
> pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 flags S/SAFR
> synproxy state queue(http_out,ack_out)
> Having tried a few other firewalls in the past, I know that some of them
> don't like fragmented packets at all.
> This week's events make me believe that pf's synproxy option is causing my
> server to send out fragments, and those fragments aren't well-received.
> Is this normal with synproxy?  Am I misusing synproxy?  Is this just a
> coincidence?

In http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2005-03/2760.html
somebody reported a similar problem. Maybe you could try his
"solution" by leaving out  "flags S/SAFR"

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