I read the manpage on pf and constructed a basic set of rules and macros. However, when I start pf it gives me errors about the syntax of my file. Basically all I want to accomplish is I don't want my p2p programs to be able to hog the traffic away from me if I'm trying to surf. When I'm not surfing I want them to be able to download as fast as possible.

Here is what I have added to pf.conf:

<further down>

altq on $ext_if priq
queue mail priority 13
queue ssh priority 12
queue web priority 14

<further down>

pass in proto tcp from any to port http keep state queue web
pass in proto tcp from any to port ssh keep state queue ssh
pass in proto tcp from any to port {smtp imap} queue mail

Does anyone know what I might have done wrong? I thought that I had it correct based on the manpage. I'm sure it's something really stupid that I missed.

Thanks in advance for the help

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