Dear FreeBSD Team,
Dear FreeBSD Users,

I was wondering if the patches  (see link below) have any chances to make their 
ways into a future release version or may be in the ports collection?

Here are the patches I'm talking about:
Actually the vidcontrol.diff patch failed for me so I used these patches:

I'm not a programmer and I can't consider the amount of work or difficulty that 
these modifications require to the freebsd team to incorporate these changes.

I use some older and newer hardware on servers, I don't want to install X and I 
often had problems getting high resolution modes in consoles (like in linux). 
Honestly, :-) even if X is installed, high resolution consoles are still nice 
to have, because 80x25 to 90x60 are nothing compared to a:
vidcontrol MODE_279 (1024x768x16) resolution.

I had the problem this afternoon while installing freebsd5.4-prerelease (from 
cvsuping RELENG_5) , 90x60 was the best resolution I could get (without the 
patch) with my laptop, it has an "ati  mobility radeon 9600" graphic. 
SC_PIXEL_MODE only use 800x600x8 (256 colors, mode=259) which is not supported 
on ati cards. I assume that there are other vendors too.

Reading and googling around showed that there are other users having console 
resolution problems. They would certainly be glad to have higher console 
resolutions too, especially migrating linux users.

I do admit that the vidcontrol/syscon patches I use from 
are bit buggy, mouse cursor, 
or sluggy screen when going to X.

This is not a complain or something similar ... as I reallly, really like 
freebsd (and openbsd too actually ;-)) and I have enormous respect that you 
develop it in your free time. I'm only wondering why this isn't integrated, is 
it useless for you, or to much work (or both) ...

If it won't be integrated into a release, do you think it would be possible to 
put it and maintain it in the ports collection?

May be other users think the same?


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