Hi all,
      I am having some problems using the freebsd ftp program.
      when I type;
                  ftp username.customer.netspace.net.au password
      I get the following message;
                  servname not supported for ai_socktype

      Am I using the right syntax? When I consulted the ftp
      server support page it said;
                   "Once you have your ftp Client installed, you will
                    need to use the following settings to connect to
                    your personal webspace (lets assume your username
                    is test and your password is webpage):

                             hostname : test.customer.netspace.net.au

                             username : test

                             password : webpage

                     Also ensure that if your FTP Client gives you the
                     option to use "PASV" mode, that this is selected.
                     All you need to do at this point is upload the files
                     to the site and away you go".
       Any help would be appreciated. If you reply could you please CC me
       because I am not subscribed to the list.

Thanks for your time,


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