On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:23:55AM -0600, Chris Dillon wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Lee Nelson wrote:
> >   myprogram.pl reads a few parameters from STDIN, and then
> > forks to work in the background:
> >
> >     my $pid = fork;
> >     exit if $pid;
> >     die ("$pn couldn't fork $!\n") unless defined $pid;
> >     POSIX::setsid()
> >       or die ("$pn can't start a new session: $!\n");
> >
> >   Any clues or suggestions welcome.
> The following method to daemonize a PERL process works for me in
> FreeBSD (I don't remember why I fork && exit twice, so don't ask):
> require 'sys/syscall.ph';
> fork && exit;
> syscall(&SYS_setsid) || die "Can't call setsid(): $!";
> chdir("/");
> open(STDIN, "</dev/null") || die "Can't redirect stdin: $!";
> open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null") || die "Can't redirect stdout: $!";
> open(STDERR, ">/dev/null") || die "Can't redirect stderr: $!";
> fork && exit;

The 'double fork' trick ensures that the daemon process gets
re-parented as a child of init(8).  As init will reap any child
process that happens to die, this suppresses zombies plus it has
several other effects like dissociating the daemon process from a
controlling terminal.  Calling setsid(2) has a similar effect, so you
probably don't need to fork twice and call setsid(2).

The source to the daemon(3) function in /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/daemon.c
is a good example of the canonical way to do that sort of thing.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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