On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Dave [Hawk-Systems] wrote:

> ran into the file size limitation of 2GB when doing a L0 dump of the /usr
> partition.
> Is there a workaround to the 2GB limit...  can you reliably pipe dump to split
> or something then reverse the process with restore later?
> Working with what will be approximately a 6GB L0 dump so over 3x the size
> limitation.
> examples or suggestions appreciated
> Dave

Hmm.  I think the trick is to not be aware that there *is* a 2GB limit!

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  5191390944 Nov 17 06:02 babelfish_data.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    35176571 Nov 25 04:06 babelfish_data_1.gz

Any idea what I'm doing wrong (or right)?  Using dump on 4.7-RELEASE.


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