On 2005-04-07, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --y0ulUmNC+osPPQO6
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 08:49:00PM -0700, Sergei Gnezdov wrote:
>> What is stale port?
> It's not entirely clear what context you're talking about, but the
> answer is probably "One for which a newer version is available."

I'd say that installed port is stale if its version is older then the
version of the port in the /usr/ports/

>> How do I end up having stale ports?
> As time marches on :-)

I am guessing, that port becomes stale after running cvsup.

So, what exactly are we supposed to accomplish in respect to stale
ports, when we run pkgdb -F (deinstall, some kind of fix, simple

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