On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 10:40:01AM +0200, Kiffin Gish wrote:
> How can I get terminal under X-Windows to load my .bash_profile (and any
> other stuff) that is usually loaded when at the initial prompt?
> A more general question might be: what files (.profile, .login, whatever)
> and in what order are loaded every I login via a shell and how are these
> settings propagated up through Gnome desktop?
.bash_profile, .profile, .login are read on login shells only.  When a
shell is invoked by the exec() syscall, it's name is prepended with a -
to mean it's a login shell and most shells work differently like reading
.profile.  For example running ps ax|grep bash on my system yields:

81288  q1  Is     0:00.02 bash
88710  q3  Is     0:00.03 -bash (bash)

The first shell was just started normally and the second was started as
a login shell.  Connecting to a machine through ssh or logging in on a
text console starts a login shell, but running an xterm in X-Windows or
running bash from whatever shell your already in isn't since your
already logged in.  If you start X-Windows with the startx command, your
login is considered when you first logged in on the text console and
that same environment is propagated to the gui environment, gnome in
your case.  When you log in from a graphical log in utility, it's a
little more complicated.  The gui login program, whether it be xdm, gdm,
or kdm starts a shell script which eventually starts your gui
environment.  The problem is that it's not usually the same as your
login shell, but whatever shell was used to write the script.  In some
cases you can write your own shell script called .xsession or .Xclients
in your home directory and it can load in .bash_profile and then start

> Thanks a lot in advance. 
> -- 
> Kiffin Rex Gish
> Gouda, The Netherlands

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