On 26-Nov-2002 David S. Jackson wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to use |xargs -J [] mv [] [].suffix
> but to no avail.
> I've tried |xargs -J mv \[\] \[\].suffix and variations but that
> doesn't seem to work either.  It seems to work fine with the -i
> command under GNU xargs, but not under Freebsd.
> An example would be 
> $  touch one two three
> $  ls one two three | xargs -J [] mv [] [].suffix
> I should now have one.suffix two.suffix three.suffix.  At least,
> that's what happens with GNU and the -i \{\}.  (FreeBSD manpage says
> to use -J [] without escapes though.)
> Can anyone lend me a clue here please?

I think what you want here is -I instead of -J.  -I allows for multiple
replacements, whereas -J does not.

Also, I'd suggest using something other than [] as your placeholder, as
those characters have a special meaning in the shell.  Using something
simple, like %, as the man page illustrates.

Conrad Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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