Mike Tancsa presumably uttered the following on 04/16/05 19:31:
At 08:56 AM 16/04/2005, Warren wrote:

/var/spool/clientmqueue <-- 185meg

How do i get the messages from the above to the root mail folder of my
machine ?

im willing to provide any neccessary information to help.

Take a look at /var/log/maillog to see why its not being processed. If necessary, bump up the loglevel in sendmail

In /etc/mail/sendmail.cf change
O LogLevel=9
O LogLevel=14
cd /etc/mail
make stop
make start

The general recommendation is to *never* edit the sendmail.cf directly. Rather cd to /etc/mail and edit your freebsd.mc file adding:


(those are backtick, value, singlequote)


rm `hostname`.??
make && make install-cf
make restart

if you want to revert back you can simply delete the line from your freebsd.mc file and then remake and install the newly generated cf file.

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