On Sat, 16 Apr 2005, Brian Kinsey wrote:

That is not working. If I start a terminal window and save current session,
the terminal window is there again when I log back in. The same does not
happen with xbattbar.

You'll have to find another method for things you wish to start automatically as root while logged in as another user, most of them less then desireable. However, that probably isn't the issue.

I don't use xbattbar but I doubt there is any compelling reason it has to be started as root. Check in /dev and see who has rights to r/w apm and apmctl (on 4.x). I believe the default is root and members of operator. Make yourself a member of the operator group.

If the permissions aren't like that on your system them change them accordingly under 4.x or tweak /etc/devfs.conf on 5.x (not sure where in the 5.x series this started certainly 5.2 and beyond)

As to your question... Look in /usr/local/share/apps/kdm/sessions and see what kdm does for xfce. kdm invokes /usr/X11R6/bin/startxfce4. Take a look at startxfce4. It essentially looks for $HOME/.config/xinitrc, if not found it invokes /usr/X11R6/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc. The default install doesn't create the former. If you want to change the startup then grab a copy of the latter creating the former and alter as desired.


Darren Henderson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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