--On Monday, April 18, 2005 08:05:37 PM -0700 Joshua Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How do startup scripts work?

I added:


But I donšt think it is working. I had rebooted my system the other day
and my mail server stopped working (postfix reading from mysql tables)
and I tried looking at my running processes:

ps ­ax |grep sql

Did you look in /var/log/messages for any errors? Did you look in dmesg.boot?

and nothing was returned. So I guessed mysql was not running.

I tried:

mysql start

That won't work.  Look at the startup script and you'll see why.

and I got a socket error. I usually get this error when SQL was not
started properly. So I ran

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh start

And low and behold it was all working.

Sounds like something is preventing it from starting properly during the boot process.

So how do startup scripts work.
Did I add the wrong value to my /etc/rc.conf file?

Or did I miss something somewhere?

Does the entry in /etc/rc.conf correlate to the startup script. Should I
change my rc.conf file to read


No.  mysql_enable="YES" is the correct value.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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