On Apr 20 06:54PM, Michael Collette wrote:
> Before getting into the CDRW stuff, why K3B wouldn't run.  I would bet
> that you're using an X Display Manager, like kdm, gdm, or even xdm. 
> You can't just su into root and run stuff like that.  You need to
> fully log out, then log into whatever wm you use as root.  When you do
> that, k3b should come up just fine.

I log into my system as root then launch kdm then log in as myself. What
do you recommend I do, log into kdm as root? Is there any way to get k3b
running under a normal user account?

> But it still probably won't pick up the devices :(  Oh, if life were
> simpler in FreeBSD land.
> First off, check that the following lines exist in your kernel config...
> device          scbus           # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
> device          ch              # SCSI media changers
> device          da              # Direct Access (disks)
> device          sa              # Sequential Access (tape etc)
> device          cd              # CD
> device          pass            # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
> device          ses             # SCSI Environmental Services (and SAF-TE)
> device          atapicam
> Especially important is that last one, as it ain't in the GENERIC
> kernel last I checked.  That's the magical beast that'll get it all
> playing.  Get that in there and recompile your kernel.  You might get
> away with "kldload cam", but I honestly don't know if that's the same
> thing.

I was missing a few of the above items: sa, ses, and ch. My new kernel
is compiling now.

> Then you'll want to get permissions and links all setup proper every
> time you boot in.  Here you'll need to get /etc/devfs.conf all tweaked
> up proper for normal users.
> # /etc/devfs.conf
> perm    acd0    0666
> link    acd0    cdrom
> link    acd0    dvd
> perm    pass0   0666
> perm    cd0     0666
> perm    xpt0    0666
> You may want to instead link cd0 to cdrom and dvd, but these settings
> seem to work for me here.

Took care of this as well. I don't recall seeing anything about editing
devfs.conf in the handbook. Perhaps I overlooked it.
> Make sure your /etc/rc.conf has the line...
> devd_enable="YES"
> This is default in newer versions of FreeBSD.  Doesn't hurt to toss it
> in there thought.

All set now with this as well.

> The k3b port will have installed cdrdao, but it wouldn't have tweaked
> on it's permissions.  This one you'll most likely want to make it suid
> root.  Definitely not something you'd want to do on a production
> server box just out of paranoia, but reasonably safe on a desktop.
> # As root
> cd /usr/local/bin
> chmod u+s cdrdao

I stumbled upon these while researching my problem. Double checked the
above and it looks good.

> After jumping through all those fun loving hoops, it should work
> shweet.  In fact, k3b will automatically add your CD into the device
> list.  If k3b didn't put it in there for you, that's a clue that
> something isn't right.

I'm waiting for my new shiny kernel and we will see what happens! Thanks
so much for your help Michael! I look forward to making some illegitimate
music CDs and driving around dodging the law! :D 

> Good luck!
> On 4/14/05, Justin R. Pessa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Allo!
> > 
> > I'm having problems trying to get k3b to recognize my CDRW drive. I went
> > to "Settings" > "COnfigure k3b" > "Devices". When I add /dev/acd0 it
> > says "Could not find an additional device at /dev/acd0". Here is the
> > output of dmesg. The system sees the device fine, I folloed the handbook
> > instructions for CDRW setup.
> > 
> > acd0: CDRW <TDK CDRW241040X/6.34> at ata1-master PIO4
> > cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> > cd0: <TDK CDRW241040X 6.34> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device
> > cd0: 16.000MB/s transfers
> > cd0: cd present [1 x 2048 byte records]
> > 
> > $ ls -al /dev/acd0
> > crw-rw-rw-  1 root  jstn    4,  13 Apr  7 22:14 /dev/acd0
> > 
> > I realize this is probably more a k3b problem than a FreeBSD problem,
> > but I feel as though there is something specific to FreeBSD I have
> > either missed or am over looking.
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > ._____________________
> > | Justin R. Pessa
> > | http://jstn.sdf1.org
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> "When you come to a fork in the road....Take it"
> - Yogi Berra

Warm Regards,

- j

| Justin R. Pessa - BOFH 
| www: http://jstn.sdf1.org 
| pgp: http://jstn.sdf1.org/pgp.html
| irc: asdf @ irc.freenode.net

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