On Apr 21, 2005, at 7:42 PM, Christopher McGee wrote:

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Apr 21, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Chris McGee wrote:

I've got 2 identical boxes (Supermicro sys-6023P-8R) running with ZCR adaptec cards with 6 73Gig seagate scsi drives, 4 Gigs of ram, and dual 2.4 Ghz Xeons. Both of these machines are running 5.3-Release-p8. The usually run for a day, give or take, and then they crash. The just deadlock, no console response, no nothing. The get power cycled and they are fine for a little while again. These are configured to be mysql database servers. I can provide any information necessary, but i'm stumped and it's causing me a lot of heartache now.

What were they running before -p8 ? And were you having similar problems?


Unfortunately, nothing. These were brand new boxes, installed 5.3 from cd, cvsup'd to latest 5.3-Release, and starting installing the few ports we needed. I can't go to an RC. The higher powers won't allow running anything but a full release. It was a pretty big hassle even implementing 5.3 vs 4.x.

ok, just wondering if you had updated from a lower -p level of 5.3 or 5.3-RELEASE with no patches or 5.2.1 or something, so we could see if something happened in a recent patch


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