Clifton Royston wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 01:08:55PM -0700, Jay O'Brien wrote:
>>Erik Trulsson wrote:
>>>On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 08:02:39AM -0700, Jay O'Brien wrote:
>>>>What are the tools that I should use to audit an existing 
>>>>FreeBSD installation? Without changing anything, I wish 
>>>>to quickly determine what is installed, i.e., the basic 
>>>>system, ports and packages, and then to compare what is 
>>>>installed to the currently available versions. 
>>>For ports/packages you can use pkg_info(1) to see what is installed,
>>>and pkg_version(1) to compare what is installed to what is in the ports
>>>For the base system there is no corresponding way to see what is
>>>installed or not.  'uname -a' will show which version of FreeBSD is
>>>installed, but after that you will have to check manually to see if all
>>>components are installed or not.
>>Thanks; I was hoping that there were some additional tools that 
>>I hadn't found so far. At least you have confirmed that I'm 
>>following a reasonable procedure. 
>   You can check out the portupdate package, but of course if it's not
> already installed, it doesn't meet your criteria of "without changing
> anything."
>   BTW, the above discussion is assuming you mean audit in the "taking
> an inventory" sense.  If you're talking about audit in the security
> sense, the above doesn't do it, and you need to look at tools like
> mtree (should be there as built-in), Tripwire (extra package), etc.
>   -- Clifton


You are right, I wasn't specific enough. By audit, I mean "taking an 
inventory", not looking for security holes. 

Thanks for your input!


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