Le 27 avr. 05, à 14:53, Lowell Gilbert a écrit :

Any idea ??

Do you know any other POP server that supports SSL / TLS ?

If it's hanging during the *transmission* of mail, then that would be a problem with your MTA (sendmail?), not qpopper, right?

What are the actual symptoms of this hang?

Messages start to be delivered and then things are hanging and disconnected on the client.

Server reports :

Apr 27 11:44:23 newmail qpopper[20829]: (v4.0.5) TLSv1/SSLv3 handshake with client at IP_ADDR (IP_ADDR); new session-id; cipher: RC4-SHA (RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1), 128 bits
Apr 27 11:44:23 newmail qpopper[20829]: (null) at IP_ADDR (IP_ADDR): -ERR POP EOF or I/O Error
Apr 27 11:44:23 newmail qpopper[20829]: (v4.0.5) Timing for @IP_ADDR (error) auth=0 init=0 clean=0

On the Qpopper website they are stating on the FAQ:

I see errors such as POP EOF, SIGHUP or SIGPIPE flagged, or POP hangup.
Generally, this is because a client has disconnected without sending QUIT.  This can be the result of telephone modem problems, which are more likely to occur when downloading large messages.  It could also be caused by too-small timeout values in some clients.

If you are using Qpopper 4.0 or later and your network is very congested, the aggregating of small packets into one large one can acerbate the situation.  In this case you can use the --enable-chunky-writes=1 flag with ./configure, or use set chunky-writes = tls in a configuration file. 

My network is not congested. I don't use a phoneline, I have enabled the option "set chunky-writes = tls" as I am using TLS… 

What does the error message POP EOF or I/O error mean?
EOF or I/O error almost always means EOF.  That is, the network connection with the client dropped unexpectedly.

At the point where this message is issued, Qpopper no longer knows if it was an EOF or an actual I/O error, and so it reports the error number just in case it really is an I/O error (which it almost never is).  When it is just an EOF, the associated error is meaningless. 

Where do you think this is coming from ?

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@ todoo.biz

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