On 04/27/05 08:29 PM, Rob sat at the `puter and typed:
> Hi,
> I'm running a server with 4-Stable.
> As it is a server, things like games should not be
> there. However, it has already been installed (did
> that come by default? don't know).

I believe there's an option to install or not install games in the
initial install UI (/stand/sysinstall).

> Anyway, I'd like to get rid of all the games stuff.
> I'll add "NOGAMES=true" in /etc/make.conf, which will
> prevent compiling & installing games for a new build
> + install world.
> However, what was already there, remains there after
> a new install world; and I'd like to remove those
> games files & directories.
> I don't like to roam around the system as root and
> type "rm -rf" here and there, without being very
> sure it can go.

Very wise.  This I say from experience.  And always be careful with
wildcard deletes.  Fatfingering a space between your pattern and a '*'
can be disastrous, even as a regular joe user. :(

> Can I safely do
>  rm -rf /usr/games /usr/share/games /var/games
> for that matter?
> Can I also safely do the same on a 5-Stable server?

I find it highly improbable that the kernel would suddenly bonk if it
can't amuse itself with a game or two while you're not looking, but
these aren't really the kind of games that will keep people wasting
time.  On top of that, they take up less than 4M of disk space, which
might be considered less than negligible.

Finally, keep in mind that fortune is used for some logins to present
FreeBSD tips and hints.  And even after some 5 years using FreeBSD, I
find these tips helpful from time to time.

So you're probably perfectly safe to plonk them, but it's probably not
worth the hassle.

Louis LeBlanc                          FreeBSD-at-keyslapper-DOT-net
Fully Funded Hobbyist,                   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
Please send off-list email to:         leblanc at keyslapper d.t net
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I've already got a female to worry about.  Her name is the Enterprise.
    -- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

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