        I am having some problems during my upgrde from FreeBSD 5.2
RELEASE to FreeBSD 5 - STABLE. Everything works fine up to make
installkernel. Next I run mergemaster -p, this is where I run into
problems. I have no idea what options to select/menu items to select. I
tried to go in blind but ended up locking myself out of my system. Please
before you flame me or send me an RTFM reply, note that I have consulted
the following sources;

man mergemaster
FreeBSD handbook Chapter 19 "the cutting edge"

and of course I have run mergemaster through google/bsd.
None of the documents I have read so far informs me of what to do once
mergemaster is running. A URL to instructions or any other help would be



You take the blue pill and the story
ends. You wake in your bed and you
believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill and you stay in
wonderland, and I show you how deep
the rabbit hole goes....

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