I've been struggling through setting up a mail server on my home network, with the goal to be running an imap server. As I've indicated on some other related postings I've made, networking is probably my weakest side and I need a little help.

I have no real internet name for the box, which I call "schfrbsd" (named with a dot at the end in rc.conf hostname="schfrbsd."). Using that name, I've managed to get Samba working and a local web server, but when I come to mail, I get confused. The network is made up of a bunch of XP Home Machines, the FreeBSD 4.9 machine, and a Netgear Router/Firewall that also runs DHCP. I don't think it's relevant here, but the workgroup name I use for Samba and Windows Peer Networking is "olympia". The router is called schrout, if that helps.

When I come to configuring postfix, there are entries for myhostname and mydomain. I believe myhostname should be schbsd. What do I use for mydomain? Where should I be naming the domain?

Thanks for any help.


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