On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 08:03:26PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On running cvsup I received an error message
> < Realease not specified for collection "ports-all">

My working file for -STABLE + ports looks like this:

        # Defaults that apply to all the collections
        *default  host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org
        *default  base=/var/db
        *default  prefix=/usr
        *default  release=cvs
        *default  delete use-rel-suffix

        *default compress

        *default  tag=RELENG_5

        *default tag=.

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    The Internet: an empirical test of the idea that a million monkeys
                banging on a million keyboards can produce Shakespeare
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