On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 08:35:38PM +0200, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> When you sign up to a mailing list, you implicitly give permission to
> distribute your posts to other members of the list.  You do _not_ give
> permission to have your posts archived, and you do _not_ give permission
> to have your posts published and made accessible to people who are not
> on the list.


mailing lists of OSS projects have been archived for a very long time
now. Anyone who doesn't know that, would have been living under a rock.

People trying to argue against this overly widespread modus operandi
of OSS mailing lists in a court of law would have a real hard time
to convince the judges that such comments which have been committed
to public mailing lists may not be archived under fair use provisions.

Fafa has no chance to revoke his postings entirely -- no matter how much
litigation he deems necessary to initiate -- because they are spread all
over the mirrors in more jurisdictions than he can even dream of. Anyone
trying to squeeze this back just makes a fool out of himself and loses
time and money.

Anyway, this thread is becoming increasingly burocratic. Please take it
to -advocacy@ or -chat@ or, better yet, let it die.


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