
> The server has 16 4.3GB SCSII disks, and it seems to have 4 RAID
> controllers (when I look at the RAID configuration tool, but please
> correct me if I'm wrong). 

I haven't really seen a 520, but if these RAID controllers are IBM 
ServeRAID then I have a bit of bad news to you. These don't work with 
FreeBSD. For god knows what reasons IBM seems to prefer Linux to 
FreeBSD so Linux drivers are available but not FreeBSD. 

Regarding your specific hardware questions, have you tried www.ibm.com? 
ISTR that quite a lot of information can be found there even for older 
models, but it takes a lot of digging.
Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* @dress: A garment worn by some people when emailing at home.

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