On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 11:45:35AM +0200, X3K6A2 wrote:
> > Marc Fonvieille writes:
> >> All, and I said "All", mailing list subscribing forms mention their
> >> archives ("To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit
> >> the freebsd-blahblah Archives.").  It is impossible to miss it.
> > Then why do so many forms require that you tick a checkbox to assert
> > that you've read and accepted the terms on the page?
> > In any case, nothing like that exists for FreeBSD lists.
> To make sure, that even the most dangerous people, to the society accept
> the fact, that they need to think for them self.

How can one logicaly conclude that a message they send to the list is
included in google and other websites?

The damage of a lawsuite can be large to the BSD society. Just look at
what happend when the AT&T and BSD where involved in one. Is this one
reason realy that strong to risk this?


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