Sorry.My linux kernel does support ufs.Anyway for working with ufs on
linux see
Sorry for the trouble.
On Sat, 07 May 2005 18:14:50 +0530, "Koushik Narayanan"
> Thanks for helping.I couldn't do anything with the fixit disk.Is there
> some method or tool using which I can copy all files in the ufs partiton
> to some other partition using DOS,Windows,or Linux(my kernel won't
> support ufs.) .Something like ltools which allows me to copy,delete
> files in ext2 partition using windows.
> If I could do so..then I can format those partitions and re-install
> FreeBSD..
> THanks.
> Koushik Narayanan
> On Fri, 6 May 2005 05:49:59 +0200, "Emanuel Strobl"
> > Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2005 03:59 schrieb Koushik Narayanan:
> > > Hello,
> > > I have a PC with Windows XP,FreeBSD-5.3 and Linux(Fedora).I use GRUB as
> > > my boot manager and I boot into FreeBSD using chainloader.
> > > I have XP and FreeBSD on primary partitions.I had a linux primary
> > > partion apart from these.I wanted to convert that to UFS2 as my /usr
> > > partition (FreeBSD) was almost full.I did that using bsdlabel and  mkfs.
> > > After that the fdisk print output in linux showed the recently formated
> > > partition as type Linux.So I installed linux-fdisk using the ports
> > > collection and try to change the system-id of that partition,but it did
> > > not work.I then booted into linux and did the same using fdisk.This time
> > > it worked.But after that FreeBSD does not boot.(I don't see the rotating
> > > / and the loader.The system freezes and even numlock does not work )Here
> > > is the fdisk print output from linux:
> > >
> > > Disk /dev/hda: 20.0 GB, 20060135424 bytes
> > > 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2438 cylinders
> > > Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
> > >
> > >    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> > > /dev/hda1               1         523     4200966    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
> > > /dev/hda2             524         905     3068415   a5  FreeBSD
> > > /*FreeBSD root partition*/
> > > /dev/hda3   *         906        1152     1984027+  a5  FreeBSD
> > > /*Partition I formated using bsdlabel and mkfs contains ports */
> > > /dev/hda4            1153        2439    10336536    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > > /dev/hda5            1153        1774     4996183+  83  Linux
> > > /dev/hda6            2406        2438      265041   82  Linux swap
> > > /dev/hda7            1775        2146     2988058+   7  HPFS/NTFS
> > > /dev/hda8            2147        2405     2080386    b  W95 FAT32
> > >
> > > Partition table entries are not in disk order
> > >
> > > When I use GRUB autocomplete feature to check the contents of the
> > > FreeBSD partions,It says Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition.(I
> > > have done this before when FreeBSD was working fine and I could see the
> > > contents of the partion).
> > >
> > > Perhaps the /boot partion needs to be fsck'ed? And if that is so how can
> > > I do it.(I found in the mail archives that fsck'ing UFS2 partitions
> > 
> > Usually you don't have a /boot partition on FreeBSD. I guess you don't
> > have 
> > bootcode in the boot label (ad0s3a). hda3 is in FreeBSD ad0s3. You need 
> > labels inside partitions (slices). I don't know these linux tools nor am
> > I 
> > familar with Grub but you may want to boot from a fixit disk and post the 
> > output from bsdlable ad0s3. I guess this doesn't exist, probably 
> > overwritten by the linux tools.
> > 
> > For more information read boot(8) and boot0cfg(8) to get an idea how 
> > FreeBSD treats the microsoft adopted partitioning system (which also
> > lunix 
> > uses but is uncommon for UNIX)
> > 
> > -Harry
> > 
> > > using linux is not possible.)
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Koushik Narayanan
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