Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Chris writes:
>>... in order for someone to "claim" a violation of copyright, it MUST
>>be registered with the copyright office (at least here in the States).
> For civil procedures involving works of U.S. origin, yes. But you don't
> have to register way in advance, you only have to register before the
> suit is filed.
>>In your postings Anthony, you touch on everything before that very
>>important point, AND after. You never once mention the fact that a
>>person NEEDS to take that one extra step.
> All of this is irrelevant to the fact that posts are copyrighted by
> their authors, with or without registration.
>>So, in my view - this makes the whole issue (and thread) pointless
>>unless someone has taken that one, last step.
> You're saying that you ignore the law unless someone forces you to obey
> it.  Infringement of copyrights that are unregistered is just as real as
> infringement of copyrights that are registered. It is just as dishonest,
> illegal, and unethical.
>>There is simply no point in arguing this UNLESS you can PROVE that you
>>have filed the paperwork to actually allow you to force the law to
>>look into copyright infringement.
> For those of us with ethics and conscience, registration is irrelevant.
> We do not refrain from infringement out of fear of prosecution, we
> refrain because infringement is wrong.
>>End of discussion. Now - for those that are bitching that they feel they
>>have been violated, PROVE to us that YOU filed for the copyright, else -
>>get a life or remove yourself from the list.
> Be careful what you write. It looks like you're saying that you're aware
> of the infringement and acknowledge it, but you just don't care, which
> makes the infingement willful and malicious. You're essentially saying
> "I'll do what I want, and if you don't like it, come and get me," which
> can be very unpleasant if someone takes you up on the offer.

No Anthony - you miss my point completly. The point that "I'm" making is
that I could care less what I write in a public forum (such as this
list), even tho "I" have the copyright on what I post.

If I have something that I don't people to hear or know - I simply don't
post such information.  Plain and simple. That's just common sence - and
it appears that there is a lacking of it in todays society.

Best regards,

Everything happens at the same time with nothing in between.
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