On Friday, 22 November 2002 at 18:38:31 -0700, Thomas Connolly wrote:
> Hello all.  I am having a problem installing a very large program.  It wants
> to extract itself to the /tmp directory but there is not enough space.  I
> have a 30 Gb hard drive that is only 20% full so there is plenty of free
> space to work with.  I've tried increasing the size of the file system as
> follows:
> umount -f /dev/ad0s1f
> growfs -s 4194304 /dev/ad0s1f
> I get an error similar to the following:
> file system not grown (137xxxx -> 137xxxx)  [not sure of the exact values]
> Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong or is there another work around such
> as making the program think that /tmp is really somewhere else with more
> space?

What does disklabel ad0s1 say?

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