On Sat, 07 May 2005 16:05:17 -0500
Chris (and lots of others) wrote:

A comment in some way or another on this topic "MY NAME ALL OVER

At the very beginning I asked Anthony to stop, bacause all this has been
written before.
He didn't (was to be expected).

I would urge ALL of you who keep this thread going to STOP. You are all
guilty on poluting this list. It has nothing to do with items this list
is for. It also is NOT important to react because otherwise wrong
information would end up in the archives. No sir! It's not. (hey Ted ?

It has all been said before!

So why do it all over again?
There is really NO need for it other than some degree of selfimportance

So please, please, stop this list pollution.

dick -- http://nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
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