Timothy Smith wrote:

*** The libIDL-config script installed by libIDL could not be found
*** If libIDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the LIBIDL_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to libIDL-config.
checking for orbit-config... no
configure: error: libIDL not found.
       libIDL 0.6.3 or higher is required.

pkg_info shows

libIDL-0.8.3_2 A library for creating trees of CORBA Interface Definition

so obviously it's not looking into the right place, only there doesn't seem to be a libIDL-config, there is how ever a libIDL-config-2 ? i tried setting libidl_config to that but it's no go.

I just this minute finished compiling Firefox and didn't get this problem :-)

I do have a libIDL-config and libIDL-config-2 (not libidl-config as you typed) but I believe it is obsolete and does NOT appear to be what Firefox used. (The libIDL defs I could find refer to libIDL-2).

What do you get for

   locate libIDL-config-2

assuming you keep a locate database?

I get /usr/local/bin/libIDL-config-2 which is a standard location. If yours is somewhere else then you'll either have to a) provide a symlink or b) reinstall libIDL to a standard location c) convince Firefox to look wherever you installed it. Not sure how since it's not a config option to the port Makefile (just to the Firefox configure process, which it's messy to hack).

If it's not somewhere else, then something else hinky is going on and reinstalling libIDL may be the best bet. (You're a bit out of date anyway as mine is up to libIDL-0.8.5_1).


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