> Hi,
> I'm moving my new freebsd 5.3 box to a new static ip address and I'm worried
> that once I put it at the isp, I won't be able to ssh to it or anything.
> Right now it's still at home and has dhcp. I'm not able to ssh from my
> windoze box over to it thru my router. I'm getting a connection refused
> error. Trying to ssh from another box on the net isn't successful either.
> The operation times out.
> I am able to ssh to that address from the box itself tho. Is this a firewall
> issue or maybe more of a thing with my dhcp provider?
> How can I tell?
Ignorance prevails in this posting. I love derogatory references to
software vendors. Never-the-less, DHCP has nothing to do with port
redirection commonly, and I highly doubt it has anything to do with
this one.

Try opening your Linksys/Dlink/etc. SoHo router via HTTP in your
favorite browser, and forwarding port 22 or whatever your SSH port of
choice is, to your FreeBSD box.

I imagine your setup is something like this.

Internet -> Router -> LAN (Windows, FreeBSD, etc.)

You have to forward the port from the Internet, through your router,
and into a local box on your LAN. You could also edit the DMZ setting
on your router so that the FreeBSD box, or perhaps any other box on
your LAN receives all ports automatically.

> How can I tell?
See that blue/grey box connected to your modem? Your ISP will tell you
the exact same thing. It's a configuration issue on your end, since
you're using a router.

I'd suggest some RTFM'ing.

-Tomas Quintero
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