On Thu, 19 May 2005 19:54:07 +1000
Timothy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >a very wild guess, perhaps you made your /tmp nosuid and noexec, and now
> >compilation fails because of that ?
> >
> >(for me firefox compiled fine from ports some days ago, firefox-1.0.4,1)
> >
> >
> drwxrwxrwt   9 root  wheel     1536 May 19 19:36 tmp
> nope. keep in mind everyone that this is 4.10
> there's nothing in /tmp that could be causing this i'm sure. is there 
> anything i can do to make sure my ports and src tree's are clean besides 
> make clean?

well, if your /tmp was mounted nosuid and noexec then a make world
would also fail

i have only 5.4-p1 systems in use (and not really time right now to
install 4.10 to try to reproduce this)

did you do a :
portsclean -C
portsclean -D
portupgrade -arvy

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