On 2002-11-28 17:33, Diego Efe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've started a little program to try to manage filesystem quotas
> whitout having to manually edit (with $EDITOR) the parameters.

quotactl(2) should be all you need.

> Investigating I found out that I have the quotactl() function to do
> the job and the statfs() call to retrieve filesystem information,
> but here's the question.
> I'm having problems with the values that the statfs retrieves. I've
> been comparing mi values with the ones returned by the webmin
> (webmin.org) utility, who in turn calls the edquota, quotacheck,
> etc. functions and can't understand the system. In some cases seems
> to work using statfs->f_blocks * dqb_curblocks and the like but, to
> finally ask the question:
> I have made the whole circuit of FreeBSD documentation, really, but
> still can't understand the values.

Is there a question somewhere above?  You have described parts of what
you need to write your own program to handle quotas.  But without
seeing either the program you have, or a very detailed description of
how it works, all one can tell you is "Go on, it's not a bad idea" :/

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