On Friday 20 May 2005 01:01:01, Darrel wrote:

> I installed openntpd considering that it should run with reduced
> privileges.  The Workgroup did not sync up right away and I reinstalled
> NTP4.
> Currently, I can sync Window XP and Windows 98.  My /var/log/messages:
> May 19 12:25:37 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
> May 19 12:42:40 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
> May 19 14:59:14 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
> May 19 15:16:19 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
> May 19 18:24:09 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
> May 19 18:41:14 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
> I am not sure, but this could be  normal phase-lock-loop of the
> kernel.

I think this is normal, the above status codes are in hex. Bit 0 of the 1st 
byte tells about clock source (0=A 1=B), bit 1 of 1st byte stands for mode 
status (0=PLL 1=FLL), bit 2 of 1st byte represents resolution status (0=us 
1=ns) and bit 7 of the 2nd byte indicates that PLL updates are enabled. 

status 0x2001 = source A, mode PLL, resolution ns, PLL updates enabled
status 0x6001 = source A, mode FLL, resolution ns, PLL updates enabled

The command 'ntpdc -c kerninfo | grep status' displays some of this status 
information in human-readable format.

You can find a document that describes the Adaptive Hybrid Clock Discipline 
Algorithm at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/database/papers/allan.pdf


Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE 
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