On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 12:47:41AM -0400, Eric Sheesley wrote:
> I am running Freebsd 5.3 and just did a portupgrade(upgraded php, amavis,
> clamav, and cyrus-sasl.  When I rebooted apache refused to start.  I can get
> apache started with no ssl but not with it.  I have apache13-modssl
> installed.  It wasn't modified during the upgrade though.  So it would seem
> taht teh ssl mod is crashing.  Any ideas?  Anyone else experience this?

You need to

* make sure you also update the ports that depend on those you
updated, e.g. by using portupgrade -a, -r, etc.
* provide more details in your support requests.  "It is crashing",
etc is not helpful.  Show exact commands you are running and exact
output, and exact errors, if any.


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