
I am using linux-opera in FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE, with
ion as my window manager.

As far as plugins, shockwave-flash is behaving
perfectly.  When I click on a .swf file, the flash
animation opens up _inside_ the web viewing area,
stays inside the browser, etc.  No new windows are

However, when the flash animation is finished, I am
simply left with a black screen and have to hit the
back button to go back to the page I initiated the
flash file from.

1. Is there any way to just have the animation finish
and be left back at the screen I started on ? (and not
have to hit the back button)

Now, acroread behaves differently ... I can
successfully open pdf documents in opera, but acroread
spawns a whole new window.

2. Is there any way to have acroread initiate itself
_inside_ of opera ?  Even better, is it possible for
it to respect the browser back button, so I can just
go back with the back button and the acroread window
(and program) just disappear ?

3. Is this possible with xmms and/or xine as well ? 
They also spawn whole new windows when I hit a .avi or
.mp3 ...

4. Is it possible that somehow, between opera and
xine, (or xmms) they can be smart enough to know that
if one piece of media is playing, and I click on
another piece of media, not to spawn another player
and compete with each other for graphics/sound, but
rather to just start playing the new thing in the
existing player and forget the old piece of media ?

5. Finally, often opera will, when I click on a mp3 or
a movie, download the entire thing before sending it
off to xmms/xine for playback.  How can I force opera
to just start playing it immediately ?  And further,
is it possible to configure how much of it to buffer
before handing it off ?

I know it is possible, because if I run:

xmms http://example.com/mp3/some_song.mp3

playback begins immediately ... it doesn't download
the entire song first...


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