Hello all,

I am, as we converse, rebuilding world to 5-STABLE (from 5.4-STABLE 3 weeks ago). This is the first time that I am building a custom kernel and it only deviates from GENERIC in that I only have

cpu I686_CPU (without the I586 and I486 that were there from GENERIC)

and I added

option CPU_ENABLE_SSE (per the Handbook's suggestion for Video Playback)

That is it. In watching the compile of the new kernel, I notice that just about every cc command has the options:

-mno-mmx -mno-3dnow -mno-sse -mno-sse2

Is it me, or does those flags appear to be turning off the very thing I wanted turned on (to turn it on, wouldn't it be -mmmx -m3dnow -msse -msse2)? My machine, since it is busy right now compiling in Single User Mode and I can't get to dmesg, is running 5.4-STABLE synced from 3 weeks ago, compiling 5-STABLE synced from yesterday evening (EDT). My machine's specs are as follows:

Pentium III // 450 MHz
320 MB RAM
Nvidia Riva TNT / 8 MB VRAM

Back when I had Gentoo on this machine, I had to enable sse and sse2 when I compiled things like MPlayer so the machine could handle playing back DVDs (and not drop half of the frames). After reading through make.conf's example and its manpage, I was also wondering if these (sse) were options that I should put in there (and if so, how do I do it)? Any and all guidance on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


PS - In case it is relevant, and I am forced to go off of memory since my machine is still compiling, my make.conf file has the flags required so that when things compile, they have the options

-O -pipe -march=pentium3

(there are only about 3 lines in there... I can list them if needed once this is done compiling).

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