After having a router literally melt during a period of record-high temperatures last week, I've become interested in remotely monitoring the temperature of some of my systems.

I've got two FreeBSD systems running 5.4. Both use acpi, and several acpi sysctl variables are present, but the hw.acpi.thermal family is missing.

At least one of these machines has an internal thermometer because the BIOS setup screen can show a temperature. I don't suppose that means this thermometer has to be visible to the operating system, but I'm hoping that it is.

I've read the acpi and acpi_thermal manpages. /boot/loader.conf is empty, so I'm just getting the defaults from /boot/defaults/loader.conf. Is there some simple switch that I can flip to make the hw.acip.thermal sysctls appear or should I start down the path suggested in
for "Fixing your ASL"?

Also, if these acpi sysctls won't appear, is there any hope that any of the temperature-monitoring applications in the ports collection will work?
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