Be aware that the iPod has some freaky partitioning going on. Even if you format the 'drive' as fat32, there's still a partition there you're not seeing.

Read over the info at the ipod linux site. That should clear things up for you. :)


On Tue, 31 May 2005, Toomas Aas wrote:

Is anyone successfully using this mix of old and new technology? I'm trying to, but I'm not succeeding.

The on-board USB ports on this machine are USB1.1, which, while not "officially" supported by Apple, should work with iPod according to many reports on the Net. I do understand that it would be very slow, though.

The very first time I took the iPod out of the package and connected it to my PC, it was recognized successfully:

May 30 20:08:32 premium kernel: umass0: Apple iPod mini, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2
May 30 20:12:52 premium kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
May 30 20:12:52 premium kernel: da0: <Apple iPod 1.62> Removable Direct Access SCSI-0 device

Note, however, that there's a 4 minute time gap between umass0 and da0 lines.

Since my machine doesn't have any support for reading the HFS (or is it HFS+?) file system which is what the iPod has out of the box, I couldn't however mount any slices from da0. I tried disconnecting and re-connecting the iPod a few times and now the umass0 line appears but the da0 line doesn't appear at all, even after waiting for 40 minutes.

I went to a Windows PC with USB2 ports and connected the iPod to that. It was recognized immediately and re-formatted as FAT32. Back to my FreeBSD PC and there's no change - when plugging in the iPod, the umass0 line appears in dmesg, but the da0 line doesn't.

What would be the best course of action to get the iPod talking to my FreeBSD box?
- install an add-on USB 2.0 card ?
- update the PC-s BIOS to latest version (there is a newer version than
 the one I'm running now)?
- update to latest -STABLE (current checkout is from May 10)?
- wipe FreeBSD and install Windows? (just kidding!!!)
- something else?

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